Friday, January 25, 2013

Tonya Gross Millinery crowd funding campaign 2.0 oh, here we GOGO

Yes, I tried and failed to make my goal to fund my collection for online retailer via crowd funding site Kickstarter.   I had to launch the campaign during the holidays-- bad timing on my part-- but it couldn't be helped.  Kickstarter was an all or nothing platform, so while I did raise funds, I got nothing.  I have initiated a new campaign on Indiegogo and ask again for your support to fund my debut collection for  The good news:  I did secure a relationship with a shipping vendor that will significantly lower my overhead (and have lowered my goal accordingly) and regardless of whether I make my goal, the funds raised will go to my collection for!

The perks still apply:  Make a contribution starting at the $75 level, you get a hand-finished hat from my collection!  Bespoke head wear offered at the $500 level!

I understand that not everyone wants to or can afford to make a contribution.  I completely understand and I thank you anyway for your kind words of encouragement with a request to please FORWARD this campaign on to others.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!  

+Tonya Gross Millinery

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